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Mackenzie Investments Charitable Foundation

Since 2012, AboutFace has been generously supported by Mackenzie Investments Charitable Foundation. The Foundation focuses their support on helping charities where their contributions can have a big impact; for AboutFace their investment helps make Camp Trailblazers possible each year. Their commitment to children and youth with facial differences includes their yearly donation, and so much more – their staff volunteer at AboutFace events, they help spread the word about our work via their social media channels, and they've held staff fundraising initiatives at their offices.

Alyse Owsiacki, Co-Chair of the Foundation’s Donations Committee, shared the following with us regarding their support of AboutFace: “The exceptional work AboutFace undertakes every day is a wonderful example of everything the Mackenzie Investments Charitable Foundation strives to support. We are very proud to partner with such a compassionate and impactful charity.”

Thank you to Mackenzie Investments Charitable Foundation for your amazing partnership!

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